Exploration MUN 2018

The MUN is a simulation of the United Nations, held by young students all over the world. MUN conferences constitute a unique life-changing experience, which I think everyone should try at least once in his/her life. Let me explain to you why.

Not only have they finally made me look at the inside rules and procedures of the United Nations, but they’ve also taught me how to interact and convince people to be on my side through really interesting debates. Therefore, they have really improved my social and negotiation skills. They also help build confidence and enhance leadership, teamwork skills and the ability to speak in public.

These conferences are also very entertaining experiences since you get the occasion to build unforgettable relationships with people from all over the world, with different cultures, languages and lifestyles.

During the MUN conferences, I got the chance to defend a country’s point of view over multiples topics, such as organ trade, vaccines or terrorism policies, which allowed me to be aware of today world’s issues, understand them more deeply and try to find solutions. Indeed, I am convinced that MUN conferences forge tomorrow world leaders by making thousands of young students think about our future and try to tackle contemporary issues.

I have also learnt to be more open-minded and to think out of the box since we were required to adopt a certain position over some topics, regardless of our personal beliefs and standpoints. Finally, my English level has tremendously improved thanks to these debates which is a non-negligible point.

Maha TEMRE (2C)


El MUN que significa « modelo de naciones unidas » es un juego de rol,  una simulación en la que estudiantes de diversas escuelas o universidades representan diplomáticos de diferentes países miembros de la ONU.

El MUN nos permite debatir sobre la cultura, política, economía y sociedad o también intentar resolver problemáticas reales del mundo actual en los órganos y comités de la ONU, proponiendo resoluciones.

Ésta es una muy buena experiencia porque por una parte, gracias a ella conocemos a nuevas personas, ellos nos aportan un conocimiento cultural de su país y vice versa. La gente te acoge con cariño y te respeta. Y por otra parte, no solo nos permite tener otra visión del mundo, conocer la posición de diferentes países en cuanto a distintos temas, sino que también aprendemos a argumentar, defender nuestra opinión y expresarnos en público.

Resulta ser una experiencia muy enriquecedora tanto a nivel humano como educativo.



Le MUN est une simulation des nations unies, qui consiste à défendre le point de vue, la politique mise en place, et l’histoire contemporaine d’un pays donné.

Cette expérience permet d’affûter le sens de l’argumentation, l’art de la raison.

Le MUN est une expérience singulière, symbole de syncrétisme culturel, étant donné que les délégués ayant la chance d’y participer viennent des quatre coins du globe.

L’aspect culturel est également très intéressant : nous découvrons de nouvelles cultures puisque tout au long d’une année, nous représentons plusieurs pays et par conséquent nous avons de nouvelles informations et acquerrons de nombreuses connaissances.

Le MUN nous permet de nous améliorer à l’oral et avoir une certaine aisance quant aux différentes langues.

Nous souhaitons à toute personne d’avoir l’occasion d’effectuer un MUN, expérience inoubliable.

Ali BOUTALEB (2D) et Mehdi RAIS (2E)


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